
After the successful period of Myers-Briggs(MBTI) Personality Psychology theory,I just wanted to introduce another study which is really close to the previous one,and probably it stems from its basic precepts and principles.Therefore,this is another category within this blog,because even though it is really a study linked to MBTI,it also differs from some points that we will be commenting on.The most recent date we have is from late 1970s or early 1980s,when Lituanian psychologist Ausra Augustinaviciute developed a serie of concepts coming from the core of Carl Jung’s famous work on Personality Psychology.A decade later,Doctor Aleksandr Bukalov,Viktor Gulenko and Gregory Reinin undertook a risky project by which they founded a institute aimed to depict some of the main differences and nuances between previous studies on Personality.For doing so,they founded in 1991 Internacional Institute of Socionics(IIS).Why should I continue to provide theories on Personality? Not because I need to collect them all,but because I consider there are some very interesting points that MBTI does not clarify,for instance: Subtypes within a single personality.By this addition,we will have two types of ENFP,two types of ESTJ,two types of ENTP and so on…which by the way will explain some misunderstandings that one can usually have when analizing two people with the same personality.Those people who want to check MBTI,you can feel free to either take the test in my section of Psychology or follow the respective information.This theory needs to be taken into account very seriously because it was deeply developed in mid 1990s,so it is very current.Anyway,this test on Socionics is even more detailed. ( Every week,I will try to provide each personality.

Después del éxito que ha generado la teoría de Myers-Briggs de la Personalidad(MBTI),quisiera introducir otra teoría que es igual de útil y además introduce nuevos elementos que clarifican algunos puntos sin explicar en el MBTI.Lo cierto es que la teoría se remonta a finales de los 70 o principios de los 80 cuando la doctora Ausra Augustinaviciute desarrolla a través del famoso trabajo de Psicología de Carl Jung los principales preceptos que hicieron famosa esa teoría allá por los años 20.Después de ella y retomando probablemente elementos claves del MBTI,al principio de la década de los 90,los doctores Bukalov,Gulenko y Reinin fundan el Instituto Internacional Sociónico en 1991 y durante esa década desarrolla la mayoría de esta teoría tanto Psicológica como Sociológica.De hecho,la primera razón por la que esta teoría se introduce en el blog es porque como bien dijimos hay ciertos puntos que quedan por clasificar,y uno de ellos es la diferencia entre dos mismas personas con una idéntica personalidad.Es decir ahora gracias al “Socionics” podemos aseverar que dos mismas personalidades tienen matices diferentes asi que podemos ahora discernir entre dos ENFP,entre dos INFP,entre dos ESTJ,y así sucesivamente…Verdaderamente los que no conozcan MBTI pueden chequearlo en mi sección de Psicología y hacer allí el correspondiente test.Pero de igual manera voy a proporcionar el test de los Sociotipos para profundizar aún más en nuestra estructura personal.Cada semana intentaré aportar la respectiva personalidad que toque.

8 pensamientos en “Socionics

  1. I have relatively successfully navigated my way through 72 years as a soldier and teacher and lover and hater and thinker and feeler and this is the very first I have heard of the Myers/Briggs indicator. My father never knew of it and neither did about 99% of the rest of the world. Is it too late for me to become a success?

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    • Never it is too late to learn something new…what is really true is the sooner you learn this Theory,the better,because you are able to detect that kind of people who are more close to your philosophy or even it is important to know the kind of people you are surrounded with.I’ve learned too much and I can clearly say that I knowledge those who are not adequate within my environment.It is somehow strange that english speaking people did not heard about this before,because at least in USA it is widely known and very popularized.In Spanish speaking countries it is really unknown,that’s why I wanted to introduced all this in my blog.Thanks for your time.Greetings! 😉

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    • Wow! It is so uncommon that someome gets interested in these theories.It has helped me a lot,above all MBTI,but Socionics is an additional tool to distinguish the same personality type and it is the same for example to say: two people are ENFP for instance,and they are slightly different,then ww say one uses more «Ne» dominant function and the other one «Fi» auxiliary function(my case).Anyway thanks for your time and comment.Greetings 🙂

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